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- 形式:Kindle(キンドル。アマゾン社の電子書籍フォーマット)
- 英訳版書名:「FUKUSHIMA RADIATION: Will You Still Say No Crime Was Committed?」(これでも罪を問えないのですか!福島原発告訴団50人の陳述書)
- 出版:Complainants for Criminal Prosecution of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster(福島原発告訴団)
- 翻訳者:Norma Field(ノーマ・フィールド シカゴ大学名誉教授)Matthew Mizenko(マシュー・ミゼンコアーシナス大学准教授)
- 販売:Amazon Services International, Inc.
- 言語:英語
■英訳版推薦文 Recommendatory writing
Recommendatory writing
“Heartfelt and heart-wrenching, this book is a searing account of the full story of the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima and how it affected, and continues to affect, thousands of lives. Each story in this collection?each personal detail of a husband or wife, a child or teacher, a family or worker?is not only profoundly compelling but serves as a call to arms for anyone who cares about the effects of nuclear power on human health and the global environment.”
Kristen Iverson
In her most recent book, the multiply awarded Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats (2012; translated into Chinese and Japanese), Iversen tells a story that is personal, national, and global, of the pervasive and penetrating impact of nuclear contamination on bodies, the environment, and the social fabric. An accomplished writer and teacher of writing, she is currently at work on a novel and a nonfiction narrative on the friendship between Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain as she heads up a new doctoral program on literary nonfiction at the University of Cincinatti. Spring 2015 finds her spending a week with the Hibakusha Stories project in New York. For more about Iversen, visit Kristen Iversen.com.
アイヴァーソン氏の著書“Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats (2012)”(中国語/日本語訳あり) の中で彼女は、人体、環境、社会に広く深く浸透する放射能汚染の影響を書いています。大成した作家で教授でもある彼女は、最近ニコラ・テスラとマーク・トウェインとの間の交流にもとづくノンフィクション小説を手がけています。また、シンシナティ大学院においてノンフィクション文学の博士過程の立ち上げに携わっています。2015年春ニューヨークに於ける「Hibakusha Stories」プロジェクトに出席。詳しくは、KristenIverson.comをどうぞ。
“Exposure to nuclear radiation brings sickness and death, it empties cities and villages, it contaminates food. But far below these tangible impacts lie innumerable personal disasters in the communities, families and hearts of those who have been exposed. Community cohesion is dissolved, family bonds are severed, and inner wholeness can be shattered as people grasp the world into which the nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima has thrust them. These testimonies are a window into the vastness of human suffering that remains hidden, intentionally obscured by official policy that writes off those affected by this nuclear disaster as collateral damage. Behind each of these testimonies are real human beings, and real human lives that struggle everyday to regain a sense of wholeness, and that cry out for a measure of justice.”
Robert (Bo) Jacobs
Jacobs has been a historian with the Hiroshima Peace Institute at Hiroshima City University since 2005. His early work on the cultural representations of the early Cold War U.S. resulted in the book, The Dragon’s Tail: Americans Face the Atomic Age (2010; Japanese translation, 2013). In recent years he has pursued the social as well as cultural consequences of radiation exposure for communities and families at nuclear test sites, nuclear production sites, and nuclear power plant disaster sites. He is the project leader of the Global Hibakusha Project, which works to link radiation-affected communities around the globe. Deep concern for the consequences of the Fukushima disaster follows naturally from these engagements. For more about Jacobs and his work, visit bojacobs.net.
ジェイコブズ氏は2005年から広島市立大学で歴史学を教えています。冷戦の初期に米国が経験した文化的表象に関する著書に”The Dragon’s Tail: Americans Face the Atomic Age (2010)” “日本語版(2013)”があります。最近は核実験場、核製造施設、原子力発電所の被災地近隣のコミュニティや、家族の被爆によって引き起こされた社会的文化的帰結を研究しています。また、グローバル被曝者プロジェクトのプロジェクトリーダーでもあります。このプロジェクトは世界中の放射能汚染地域をつなぐ事を目的としています。福島への深い関心は、当然これらの関わりから生じています。より詳しくはbojacobs.net をどうぞ。
“I feel connected to the pain and suffering of the People of Fukushima, as we as Indigenous Peoples from Northern New Mexico have lived under the shadow of the nuclear age for 70 years. The nuclear age was born within our sacred ancestral lands and this knowledge has traveled around the world. I pray for the healing of one another, and our Mother Earth and that one day we will be granted Peace and Happiness.”
Marian Naranjo
Coming from a distinguished family of potters, and herself a former potter, Marian Naranjo is now a tribal elder of the Santa Clara Pueblo, one of the Native nations whose lands are occupied by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, home of the first atomic bombs. She has long been engaged in addressing the consequences of living with LANL for tribal, Anglo, and Hispanic communities. Most recently, working through Las Mujeres Hablan, a group she helped found, she has assisted the National Cancer Institute to transform the extent and nature of its long overdue study of the impact of the Trinity test of 1945 on local residents. She is the founder and director of Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE).She also is a founding member of the core group, Communities for Clean Water, and is the supervisor for the Youth Council. To see how Naranjo draws together her environmental and cultural work, see Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Sacred Tribal Lands.
マリアン・ナランホ氏は著名な陶芸家を親とし、本人も陶芸に従事していました。彼女は、最初の原爆が製造されたロスアラモス国立研究所設立に際し土地を奪われた先住部族の一つであるサンタクララプエブロ族の長老です。先住民のみならず白人及びヒスパニックコミュニティの為に、ロスアラモス研究所がもたらす放射能汚染の被害を訴え続けています。最近は彼女が設立に関与したLas Mujeres Hablanと共に、1945年のトリニティ実験の際の地域住民の多大な被曝に対する研究の遅れを変革し被害の広がりを防ぐ為に、国立ガン研究所を支援しています。彼女はHonor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE) を設立し率いています。また重要な活動を続けているCommunities for Clean Water の設立メンバーでもあります。若者の活動や発言を助ける監督的立場にも立っています。さらに詳しくはLos Alamos, New Mexico, and Sacred Tribal Lands. をどうぞ。
“Will You Still Say No Crime Was Committed?” resounds with the anguished voices of deeply aggrieved mothers and fathers confronting a parents’ worst nightmare. Defenseless in the path of deadly airborne radiation, they mourn an uncertain future for their beloved children. These testimonies give voice to families ripped apart, their life-sustaining ties to friends and neighbors broken, and their livelihoods destroyed. Those who lack the financial means to relocate continue to live in communities possessing levels of radioactive contamination that, if within Chernobyl downwind zones, would have required evacuation. As a significantly health-damaged victim of childhood radiation exposure from the Hanford nuclear weapons facility in the US, I know firsthand the heartbreak engendered by a behemoth nuclear culture that turns a blind eye to the suffering of those it has negligently preordained to a future of radiogenic cancer and other serious disease. There is mounting evidence of negligent errors and omissions by TEPCO officials and relevant government officials. I stand with these Complainants in their continued quest for responsibility to be taken.”
Trisha T Pritikin
トリシャ T プリトキン
Pritikin was born and raised in Richland, Washington, downwind from the Hanford site. As the child of parents who worked at the “nuclear reservation,” she came to know firsthand the insidious health and social effects of living in the shadow of a nuclear facility: she lost her entire family to cancers and other serious illness believed caused by Hanford radiation releases. During the war, Hanford produced the plutonium for the Nagasaki bomb. During the Cold War, Hanford continued plutonium production for the US nuclear weapons arsenal. The facility was the staging ground for both experimental and routine radiation releases targeting downwind populations and livestock, all of which entailed systematic secrecy and deception. Now, it is one of three sites designated as a Manhattan Project National Historical Park. Hanford Downwinder Pritikin is an attorney and writer, advocating on behalf of radiation-exposed citizens. See her blog at trishapritikin.com for information about Hanford, its links with Fukushima, and collaborative activities pertaining to radiation health effects around the world. She is also a member of the founding committee working to develop a unique global museum, CORE (Consequences of Radiation Exposure), dedicated to sharing the stories of radiation-exposed populations worldwide. website can be found at www.corehanford.org.
プリトキン氏はワシントン州リッチランドで生まれました、そこはハンフォードの風下、被曝地です。両親が核廃棄物貯蔵施設で働いていたので、核施設の影響の元に暮らすなかで潜行性の健康問題や社会問題を直接知ることができました。彼女はハンフォード核施設の放射能放出が原因で、家族全員を癌や他の病気で亡くしています。第二次世界大戦の時に、ハンフォードは長崎に落とされた原爆のプルトニウムを製造しました。冷戦の時は米国の核兵器用のプルトニウムを製造しています。また、このハンフォードから試験的、定期的に放射能が放出され、風下の住民と家畜とが被曝しています、しかも、全て組織的に秘密裏に欺瞞的になされています。現在ここハンフォードはマンハッタン計画国立歴史公園として指定されています。プリトキン氏は弁護士であり、放射能に汚染された人たちを支援する執筆活動もしています。彼女のブログはtrishapritikin.com です。ハンフォードや福島、さらには世界中の放射線の健康問題に関係する取り組み情報が得られます。また、設立委員会のメンバーとして関わっている世界規模のミュージアムである”CORE”(Consequences of Radiation Exposure) は、世界の被曝者たちの話を共有できます。ウェブサイトはwww.corehanford.org です。
“The voices of residents of Fukushima have become difficult to hear in the years since the reactor meltdown in March 2011. The voices presented here, of Fukushima Complainants for Criminal Prosecution, recount the everyday facts of suffering and confusion, of encountering a landscape suddenly made unfamiliar, maybe even poisonous or contagious. Of wondering if the air is safe to breath and the food fit to eat; of inspecting every child's bloody nose for some invisible signs of radiation. Those who fled tell about confronting unfamiliar and often unfriendly conditions as they learn to live as refugees in their own country. The words are important testimony for the court?if a criminal trial is ever held?but also for the rest of Japan and the world: they bear witness to what many still do not know, and many others no longer want to think about. Since compensation is pursued through civil proceedings, personal gain is not the point of a criminal complaint. These words, rather, are spoken from a sense of responsibility to future generations: to pursue the perpetrators so that some justice may be found.”
David H. Slater
デイヴィッド H スレイター
Slater is a cultural anthropologist with the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Director of the Institute of Comparative Culture at Sophia University, Tokyo. Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies (2010), a volume co-edited with Ishida Hiroshi, reflects his longstanding interest in youth, labor, the city, and capitalism. More recently, he co-edited with Tom Gill and Brigitte Steger Japan Copes with Calamity: Ethnographies of the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters of March 2011 (2013). Short-term relief work with students has led to a long-term research project, taking form as an online oral archive, Tohoku kara no koe/Voices from Tohoku. It is currently in Japanese, with English translations in the works.
スレイター氏は上智大学の国際教養学部の教授です。石田浩氏(東京大学社会科学研究所所長)との共著に”Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies (2010)”があります。氏の長期にわたる若者、労働、都市、資本主義に対する考察が示されています。最近、氏はトム・ジル及びブリジット・スティーガーとの共著を出しております。書名は”Japan Copes with Calamity: Ethnographies of the Earthquake,Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster of March 2011 (2013)” さらに、学生たちとの支援活動が”東北からの声”という形でネットにアップされています。